Sunday, September 7, 2008

Two Months??

I just realized it took me two months to actually make another post after I created the blog. It is a lot to get used to, but I think I am really going to enjoy it with a little practice. :)


Sara Mattson-Blume said...

Practice Makes Perfect! It gets easier and easier! I love your layout!

Jan Hoyt said...

I'm a member of the SCS Group 4 blogger header on your blog, don't worry about lags in your posting, just keep on doing it. Jan Hoyt

Jasmine Hicks Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator said...

Hi Mindy

Im from SCS bloggers #4. As a fairly new blogger myself I did find it hard at first Im hoping this little group we be in will motivate me to post more regularly lol wish us all luck lol. btw I love your header also.

Jaz xox